
Monday, March 15, 2010

Long Time No See

just came back from home...::homesick::...last week i had dilemma. either take the Mtest or not...some said yes...and some said no...but at last i just followed my instinct, and thats also the psychology concept that teacher must have."YES".my reasons are::if they not allowed final students apply for it, why they called us for the test.the, if they ask for the scroll during the interview, just shows them the letter that confirmed us as degree holder (just like what we need to do if we face the other interview, if not, we cant find a job until August, waiting for the scroll). that are my reasons. plus, i`m not went back because of that test, but i`m missing my family badly until now. spent time with my sisters, mom, dad, niece and nephew is such a great pleasure. had breakfast, lunch and dinner together. my mom looks happy. i love her so much.
my niece, Maia love cats so much. she called the kittens as her babies. every morning, she`ll find her babies first. Gave them milk and play although the kittens was scratched all over her body.

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